Lace Applique

Lace Applique

When applying a lace applique of the type shown the video, here's a few helpful steps;

This type of lace is often apart of a larger piece of mesh fabric and needs to be cut away in pieces, to achieve this single piece design. (In my course "Textiles" I show the techniques used for cutting away the applique more quickly and efficiently).

You can also buy these pieces pre cut.


  • Once you have all your pieces removed, and trimmed off any excess mesh or frayed edges. Then place each piece on your garment where you'd like them to lay.
  • Use colorful pins with bold heads, to ensure you can easily see them when it's time to remove them.
  • Choose either an invisible thread or a thread that matches the applique
  • Hand sew using a running stitch, make sure you sew every grove and petal. Whatever, is not sewn down will lift up.
  • Avoid sewing on the mesh parts, and keep the stitching only on the applique it's self.
  • To over lap the lace cut around the edges and join them together like you are fitting a puzzle piece. Pin then continue to hand sew.

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